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CS 223

Introduction to Robotics (ME 320)

Robotics foundations in modeling, design, planning, and control. Class covers relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, motion planning, and control, providing the basic methodologies and tools in robotics research and applications. Concepts and models are illustrated through physical robot platforms, interactive robot simulations, and video segments relevant to historical research developments or to emerging application areas in the field.

CS 225A

Experimental Robotics

Hands-on laboratory course experience in robotic manipulation. Topics include robot kinematics, dynamics, control, compliance, sensor-based collision avoidance, and human-robot interfaces. Second half of class is devoted to final projects using various robotic platforms to build and demonstrate new robot task capabilities. Previous projects include the development of autonomous robot behaviors of drawing, painting, playing air hocket, yoyo, basketball, ping-pong or xylophone. 


CS 236

Deep Generative Models

Generative models are widely used in many subfields of AI and Machine Learning. Recent advances in parameterizing these models using neural networks, combined with progress in stochastic optimization methods, have enabled scalable modeling of complex, high-dimensional data including images, text, and speech. In this course, we will study the probabilistic foundations and learning algorithms for deep generative models, including Variational Autoencoders (VAE), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), and flow models. The course will also discuss application areas that have benefitted from deep generative models, including computer vision, speech and natural language processing, and reinforcement learning. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about machine learning from at least one of CS 221, 228, 229 or 230. Students will work with computational and mathematical models and should have a basic knowledge of probabilities and calculus. Proficiency in some programming language, preferably Python, required.

CS 327A

Advanced Robotic Manipulation

Advanced control methodologies and novel design techniques for complex human-like robotic and bio mechanical systems. Class covers the fundamentals in operational space dynamics and control, elastic planning, human motion synthesis. Topics include redundancy, inertial properties, haptics, simulation, robot cooperation, mobile manipulation, human-friendly robot design, humanoids and whole-body control. Additional topcs in emerging areas are presented by groups of students at the end-of-quarter mini-symposium.